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Cooperative Network Ecosystems

STATUS: PHASE I | March 2024 - present | Applied Research

What novel organisational mechanisms allow cooperative networks to proliferate and reinforce themselves to overcome collective action problems and precarious labour dynamics?

Formal and informal cooperative networks offer the potential for truly democratic models of governance, financial distribution and management of resources. An intriguing and under-observed aspect of cooperativism is the nature of the synergy and collaboration between individual efforts/”nodes” that occur  in geographically-bound (e.g. cities, countries, continents) and/or digitally-enabled spaces. This applied research into Networked Cooperative Ecosystems (NCEs) aims to shed light on the state of various cooperative ecosystems, explore the intricacies of their cooperative mechanisms, and better understand the prerequisites and pitfalls of collaborative efforts to create more self-supporting economic flywheels.


Andi Argast (applied researcher) is a strategist, researcher and facilitator. Her current work weaves together the disparate threads of art, culture, data, and decentralized technologies. Andi has applied her design, strategy, and insight experience at Girl Guides of Canada, the Framework Foundation, and a variety of arts organizations. She believes that digital and data literacy are key to an engaged and functioning society, and was a core member of the Toronto Node of the Open Data Institute. She is a member of Hypha Worker Co-operative.

Nick Houde (applied researcher) is an independent researcher curious about how technology shapes the way people engage with urban, economic, and geopolitical structures. His recent work includes an ethnographic study of labor in DAOs with Other Internet, researching and curating for the Technosphere and Anthropocene projects at HKW in Berlin, and a number of teaching posts at various universities in Europe. // nickhoude.xyz

Dana Salama (applied researcher) is an architectural designer and researcher interested in cultural heritage, spatial politics, and codesign - with a particular interest in care-based methodologies in land-based practice. She is currently building *countermap, a non-profit and collaborative platform exploring relationships between heritage and hegemony. As an educator Dana has held several positions in universities and alternative schools. // danasalama.info

Samuel  Young (applied researcher) is a researcher hoping to better characterise systemic risk in complex systems with a focus on methodologies that can be incorporated between disciplines. He has a background in astrophysics and most recently co-authored work on a new approach to knowledge management systems with the Cognitive Security and Education Forum (COGSEC.org). // Sam Young - LinkedIn

Rithikha Rajamohan (project lead) is a civic technologist and founder of V6A Labs, an applied consultancy that researches, prototypes and builds civic infrastructure, leveraging distributed systems and strategic foresight to develop adaptive solutions for an increasingly complex world. She comes to this work with a love for the interstices and has a background in urban planning and geospatial data analysis. // rithikha.com

Kate Sassoon (project advisor) has over 20 years of experience in member-and-mission-driven organizations. Kate is a lifelong co-operative advocate, and is devoted to creating efficient and ethical processes for high-impact collaboration. Kate is also the Founder and Principal at Sassy Facilitation — supporting cooperative communication. // sassycooperates.org